Parental/Guardian Statement Please have the Parent/Guardian for the applicant fill out the form below. "*" indicates required fields Name of Applicant* First Last 1. Describe your applicant’s educational development. What are his/her current needs in this area?*2. Describe the applicant’s social and emotional development. What are his/her current needs in this area?*3. Please describe the applicant’s areas of strength, and how he/she will be an asset to the Weston Bridges community.*4. What are your hopes and realistic goals for the applicant’s future?*5. How will living at Weston Bridges help in the attainment of these goals?*6. Please describe the applicant’s ability to manage life skills (self-care, chores, laundry, money management, etc.)*7. How do you expect Weston Bridges to help the applicant? Describe areas of concern.* Now Accepting Applications Spring 2022 Contact Weston Bridges to learn more about our independent community living. 630-892-5762